We had a good week. Our routine was back on track, we tried some new things, and even took a bike ride. As the week wore on the weather got warmer. By the time the weekend approached the temps were in the mid 20’s (mid 70’s Fahrenheit). Berliners immediately flocked to the streets to enjoy the “last weekend of Summer.”
On Sunday we took the warm air as an opportunity to do a nice bike ride to the outer parts of the city and explore a farm we had been hearing about. Domäne Dahlem is a few acres in the suburbs of the city. The mass open space is home to a working indoor and outdoor farmers markets, about 50 hogs, multiple sheep, a few head of cattle, many chickens and ducks, and a few alpacas. The land is planted for most of the year and while we were there they were harvesting potatoes. Actually, they were charging suckers to pick their own potatoes and then charging them for the potatoes themselves - genius way around child labor laws. They have tractor rides, entertainment, and instructional booths for kids to learn about farming. We had a wonderful time while we were there. We also enjoyed a beautiful ride to and from as it was covered with changing leaves and colours of all kinds.
The sky has been gorgeous at night with the low setting sun. Although we are adapting to the longer nights we have fond memories of the summer days past.
Until Next Time,
The McNeills